7 reasons to use bar soap

The origin of bar soaps dates all the way back to 2800 BC. Since then, bar soap has been an essential part of our lives, however, the popularity of bar soaps has slowly decreased due to its convenient sibling, the liquid soap. Let’s discover the reasons why bar soap is coming back. Plastic Free Our world is a precious place and we need to take care of it. The rising amount of plastic waste and the microplastics in our water is a terrifying result of our consumer society. Bar soaps have become quite popular because they are a good solution...
5 reasons to use olive oil soap

Your skin is your largest organ and what you apply on it is as important as what you eat. Do you know that olive oil soap has many benefits for your skin? Soaps with olive oil have been used for centuries for their health benefits, let’s explore what these benefits are. Make your skin younger: anti-ageing with natural antioxidants and vitamins Antioxidants stimulate new cell generation and are quite important for our health. Premium olive oil is very rich in antioxidants and is one of the best natural antioxidant sources. Therefore applying olive oil as soap to your skin will ensure...